The Project

The Project

PeaMUST is a project granted by the Investments for the future initiative, in the frame of the French National Research Agency Biotechnologies - Bioresources call which will end December 31st, 2019.

The project will provide innovative solutions for genomic assisted selection, thanks to the production of new tools and innovative results such as the cloning of resistance genes, better understanding of the impact of the interactions between plant architecture, symbionts and  stress tolerance, and the identification of regions of the genome involved in yield stability.

This project fits into the themes selected by the Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique Biotechnologies Vertes and by the Franco-German cooperation in green and white biotechnology. The consortium includes numerous seed companies, allowing rapid translation of genomic knowledge into useful applications for pea breeders, with the creation of improved varieties.

Parcelle Enduro M.H Jeuffroy
Parcelle Enduro (M.H Jeuffroy)

See also

Modification date: 25 April 2023 | Publication date: 18 February 2014 | By: Judith Burstin